Notice Inviting Bids – District Project 7361
Inviting Sealed Bids for Filter Plant and Clearwell Improvements, Phase 1A
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (“District”), Martinez, California, invites and will receive sealed Bids for furnishing all labor, equipment, materials, and services specified for the construction of District Project 7361, Filter Plant and Clearwell Improvements, Phase 1A, in conformance with the Contract Documents. The Project generally consists of demolition of the sidewall of an earthen basin (clearwell), raising of the levee of a wet weather holding basin, construction of two 3-million-gallon above ground recycled water storage tanks, an electrical substation, a motor control center, rehabilitation of pump stations, and rehabilitation of chemical injection systems. The estimated cost for the base bid work is $31,000,000. The estimated cost for the additive bid alternatives of Filter 3 improvements and Applied Water pump station improvements is $2,800,000 and $700,000, respectively. The District, at its discretion, may add additional construction activities after Award of the Construction Contract.
Pre-bid meeting documents and video will be made available on PlanetBids on Wednesday, June 17, 2020. No pre-bid meeting will occur.
The District will receive Bids at its receptionist area until 2 p.m., local time per, on July 22, 2020, at 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California, at which time and place, in the District’s Multi-Purpose Meeting Room, accepted Bids will be publicly opened and declared aloud by the Secretary of the District, and before the General Manager, and/or other District representatives. NO LATE BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Project Documents, the prospective bidder’s list, addenda, prevailing wage rates, and geotechnical reports (if any) are available for viewing without charge through the District website at, through PlanetBids at, or by calling Ramona Seguerre at (925) 229-7349.
/s/ Katie Young
Secretary of the District, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California