Doing Business with Central San
Doing Business with Central San
Purchasing and Materials Services is a division of the Administration Department. The goal of the Division is to maintain the best value supply of goods and services required to support the needs of all District departments while maintaining free and open competition in compliance with applicable Federal, State and local procurement regulations.
The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Code, Section 2.36.010B, establishes the Purchasing Division’s authority to contract for the rental or purchase of all materials, supplies, furnishings, equipment and other personal property required by the District. It is also the job of the Division to secure various services including building construction; alteration and repair; and architectural, engineering, and design consulting services.
COVID-19 Protection Plan for Contractors On Site at Central San
Contractors doing work on Central San during the COVID-19 situation through the duration of relevant orders by County, State or Federal officials are required to provide a COVID-19 Protection Plan to keep their employees, Central San staff, and the public safe by taking appropriate measures to limit the potential for spread of the contagion. Elements to be addressed in the Protection Plan are specified in the document below.
Supplier Information & Vendor Registration
Information about Purchasing and Materials Services guidelines and requirements.
Current Bid Opportunities
The following is a current list of District solicitations offered by the Purchasing and Materials Services Division covering the District’s Operational and Maintenance, General, and Administrative needs.
Past Bid Opportunities
The following is a list of past District solicitations offered by the Purchasing and Materials Services Division covering the District’s Operational and Maintenance, General, and Administrative needs. This list DOES NOT include Public Works Construction Projects managed by the Engineering Department – Capital Projects Division. For information on public works projects please go to the Construction page.
Ethical Considerations
Statement of Philosophy
The primary mission of Central San is to protect the public health and the environment through the collection and treatment of wastewater, recycling water, and pollution prevention.