Environmental Compliance
Environmental Compliance
Controlling toxins at their source is the best method of keeping pollutants out of the local water environment. Our treatment plant is not designed to remove chemicals and metals, and our Collection System can be damaged by some substances (e.g., Fats, Oils, Grease).
To prevent damage to either, Environmental Compliance monitors the wastewater discharged at various points in our collection (sewer) system, ensuring that business and industry are complying with discharge requirements. A key element of the program is education. We believe that the more people understand the hazards of toxic discharges to the sewer, the less likely they are to pollute.
Program Elements
- Pretreatment Regulations
- Permitted Industrial User
- Dental Program
- Special Discharge Permit (including Pools, Spas & Fountains)
- Plan Reviews (Environmental Compliance portion)
- Waste Haulers
- Stormwater Program
- Inspections
- Best Management Practices
Pretreatment Regulations
Central San’s Environmental Compliance Program uses a combination of regulatory and educational elements to minimize the pollutants in all process wastewater discharged to the sanitary sewer system from commercial, retail, agency, and industrial customers. Central San’s Source Control Ordinance (Title 10 of the District Code) applies to all non-domestic customers.
Permitted Industrial User
Join us on October 23 for the 2024 Industrial User Academy! Please find your pre-study materials at the bottom of this webpage and complete these readings before arriving for the main event.
- Guidelines for Discharging Industrial Wastewater
- Industrial User Permit Application: Baseline Monitoring Report (BMR) Instruction Sheet
- Industrial User Permit Application: Baseline Monitoring Report (BMR)
- Periodic Compliance Report (PCR) form
- Submittal Certification Statement
- Criteria and Determination of Significant Non-Compliance
- Compliance Sampling and Analysis
- Approved Wastewater Methods and Holding Times
- General Discharge Prohibitions
- Mobile Washer Fact Sheet
- Mobile Washer Periodic Compliance Report
- Mobile Washer Permit Application
- Best Management Practices Permit Application
- Best Management Practices Permit Fact Sheet
- Best Management Practices Permit Periodic Compliance Report
- Guidelines for preparing a Slug Discharge Prevention & Contingency (SDPC) Plan
- Environmental Compliance Permit Fees
- Permit Types & Processing
- Pollution Prevention and Best Management Practices
- Central San Overview
- Pretreatment & Monitoring Systems
- Regulatory Overview
- Summary of Enforcement
- Central San List of Permitted Mobile Washers
- Total Toxic Organics Certification Statement
- Slug Discharge Prevention & Contingency (SDPC) Plan Recertification Statement
- National Categorical Pretreatment Standards: Information for Industrial Users
- Winery Best Management Practices
- Winery Operation and Maintenance Log
- Winery Periodic Compliance Report (PCR)
- Brewery Best Management Practices
- Brewery Periodic Compliance Report (PCR)
- Read more
Special Discharge Permit
Including Pool, Spa or Fountain Discharge Permits
Central San issues Special Discharge Permits to businesses that have a temporary, non-standard wastewater discharge to the sewer system. In many cases, this permit authorizes the discharge at a specific location. Examples are: groundwater remediation discharge, dewatering operations at a construction site and pool, spa or fountain discharges. Special Discharge Permits may require the use of a pretreatment system and/or the sampling and analysis of the wastewater.
Special Discharge Permits
Special Discharge Permit General Information
Special Discharge Permit Application Package (revised 7/03/24)
Flow Summary Report Form
SDP Operation & Maintenance Log
Closure Certification
Compliance Report (PCR) form
Pool, Spa or Fountain Discharge Permits
To obtain a Pool, Spa or Fountain Discharge Permit: Click
Call (925) 229-7288 or email sourcecontrol@centralsan.org.
How to Obtain a Pool, Spa or Fountain Discharge Permit
Properly Draining Pools, Spas and Fountains
Environmental Compliance Plan Reviews
All facilities going through the Plan Review process
will start with Central San’s Permit Counter for full permit
requirements and fees. Click here to access the
Permit Counter
- Variance Application: Grease Removal Device Installation
- Grease Removal Device Sizing Assistant
- Steps for Installing a Grease Removal Device in Response to an Enforcement Action
- Environmental Compliance Plan Review Guidelines
- Approved Materials List
- Section 5 (Environmental Compliance) of Central San's Standard Specs, incl. Drawings
- What type of Grease Removal Device does my facility need?
- Read more
Waste Haulers
Central San issues permits to Waste Haulers that truck certain wastes to our treatment plant for disposal. These wastes must be compatible with the treatment plant process and the continued operation of the plant as a non-hazardous waste disposal facility.
For more information and permits, see below:
Waste Hauler Permit Application
Stormwater Program
Central San works with the Contra Costa Clean Water Program (CWP) to perform storm water inspections in the ten incorporated cities of central Contra Costa County. The cities have authorized Environmental Compliance staff to conduct inspections of commercial/industrial businesses and to enforce storm water management ordinances to prevent storm water pollution. Central San inspectors combine these inspections with the sanitary sewer compliance inspections whenever possible to reduce the number of inspection visits required for a business.
Environmental Compliance conducts inspections of permitted and non-permitted facilities to ensure that businesses are complying with their permit and District Code requirements, as well as complying with City storm water regulations (when applicable). Environmental Compliance staff may periodically conduct unannounced sampling events to obtain data on process wastewater discharged. Environmental Compliance staff may also conduct unannounced inspections.
Environmental Compliance Inspections Brochure
Pretreatment and Storm Water Compliance Consultation Service
Pretreatment Enforcement (Chapter 10.16 of District Code)
Best Management Practices
Best Management Practices (BMPs) facilitate regulatory compliance by going beyond established minimum requirements. There are ways of carrying out your business activities that can significantly reduce the risk of pollution and may even save you money. BMPs are good for the environment, your customers, and your business. Check out these BMP Fact Sheets for more information.
- Keeping a Clean Shop
- Storm Drains and Sanitary Sewers - Different Systems, Different Rules
- Good Storage Practices
- Vehicle Washing
- Vehicle Repair and Maintenance
- Floor Cleaning Guidelines
- Sand/Oil Interceptor Maintenance
- Do Not Dump Chemicals or Hazardous Materials Down the Drain
- Fats, Oils, & Grease (FOG) Fact Sheet
- Grease Interceptor Maintenance Fact Sheet
- Grease Trap Maintenance Fact Sheet
- Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal for Businesses
- Mercury Fact Sheet
- Mobile Washer Fact Sheet
- Source Control Requirements for Morgues & Mortuaries
- Paint Disposal and Cleanup
- Fact Sheet on Tributyltin
- Waste Reduction in the Photo Processing Industry
- Preventing Copper Pollution
- Maintaining Pools, Spas and Fountains
- Properly Draining Pools, Spas and Fountains
- Community Car Wash Guide
- Grease Hauler List
- Property Management Fact Sheet
- Trash Enclosure Area Daily Inspection Log
- Sand-Oil Interceptor/Separator Hauler List
- Read more
Dental Program
In 2017 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promulgated new regulations, 40 CFR Part 441 (click link), that apply to any dental practice that places or removes amalgam and discharges to a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW).