Rates & Charges
Rates & Charges
Central San receives revenue in order to recover the costs associated with collection, treatment, and development. To learn more about these rates and charges, please see the information below.
Annual Sewer Service Charge
Central San collects an annual Sewer Service Charge from each property connected to the sewer system. For most property owners, the charge is billed on the Contra Costa County property tax bill and is labeled “CCCSD SEWER CHG.”
The annual Sewer Service Charge covers the collection and treatment of wastewater and other activities described in the Proposition 218 notice mailed to property owners.
The current schedule of annual Sewer Service Charges can be found below:
The most recent Cost of Service report can be found here.
The State Controller’s Property Tax Postponement Program allows homeowners who are seniors, are blind, or have a disability to defer current-year property taxes (including the sewer service charge) on their principal residence if they meet certain criteria.
Environmental and Development-Related Fees and Charges
Central San charges fees for sewer permits, plan review, inspections, and other activities associated with certain new construction, sewer repair, remodel, and renovation projects. These fees are generally intended to recover Central San’s cost to provide a service.
To determine which fees might apply to a particular project, please call our Permit Counter at (925) 229-7371.
The current Schedule of Environmental and Development-Related Fees and Charges can be found below:
Capacity Fees
A Capacity Fee is charged for new construction projects or for the expansion of a non-residential facility which may result in an increased wastewater burden. The Capacity Fee charges new customers for their share of Central San’s assets that were paid for by existing customers. This methodology is known as “equity buy-in.”
To obtain a fee quote for a particular project, please contact our Permit Counter at (925) 229-7371.
The current Capacity Fee schedule can be found below:
Copies of Capacity Fee reports can be found here.
Recycled Water
Central San’s pipelines deliver recycled water to portions of Martinez, Pacheco, Concord, and Pleasant Hill. Customers who receive this recycled water are billed monthly for the amount of recycled water delivered.
The current rate schedule for recycled water can be found in the ordinance below: