Best Management Practices
Best Management Practices (BMPs) facilitate regulatory compliance by going beyond established minimum requirements. There are ways of carrying out your business activities that can significantly reduce the risk of pollution and may even save you money. BMPs are good for the environment, your customers, and your business. Check out these BMP Fact Sheets for more information.
For Automotive Repair Facilities
Keeping a Clean Shop
Storm Drains and Sanitary Sewers - Different Systems, Different Rules
Good Storage Practices
Vehicle Washing
Vehicle Repair and Maintenance
Floor Cleaning Guidelines
Sand/Oil Interceptor Maintenance
Do Not Dump Chemicals or Hazardous Materials Down the Drain
Sand-Oil Interceptor/Separator Hauler List
For Food Services Facilities
Fats, Oils, & Grease (FOG) Fact Sheet
Grease Interceptor Maintenance Fact Sheet
Grease Trap Maintenance Fact Sheet
Grease Hauler List
Proper Grease Disposal Information
Do Not Dump Chemicals or Hazardous Materials Down the Drain
For Medical Facilities
Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal for Businesses
Mercury Fact Sheet
Do Not Dump Chemicals or Hazardous Materials Down the Drain
For Mobile Washers
For Morgues and Mortuaries
Source Control Requirements for Morgues & Mortuaries
Do Not Dump Chemicals or Hazardous Materials Down the Drain
For Painters
Paint Disposal and Cleanup
Fact Sheet on Tributyltin
Do Not Dump Chemicals or Hazardous Materials Down the Drain
For Pools, Spas and Fountains
Preventing Copper Pollution
Maintaining Pools, Spas and Fountains
Properly Draining Pools, Spas and Fountains
Do Not Dump Chemicals or Hazardous Materials Down the Drain
For Property Managers
Property Management Fact Sheet
Trash Enclosure Area Daily Inspection Log
For Community Car Wash Fundraisers
For Veterinarians and Pet Owners
Pollution Prevention Guidelines for Veterinarians
Protect Your Pets, Your Family and The Bay