Rate Change Information
Central San collects an annual Sewer Service Charge from each property connected to the sewer system. For most property owners, the charge is billed on the Contra Costa County property tax bill and is labeled “CCCSD SEWER CHG.”
As we look ahead, our key priorities include replacing aging infrastructure, meeting new regulatory requirements, and enhancing environmental sustainability while continuing to provide exceptional service.
This past year, the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board introduced new regulations requiring all Bay Area wastewater agencies to reduce nitrogen discharges to the Bay by 40% within a decade. Achieving the mandated reductions will require significant treatment upgrades at an estimated cost of $11-13 billion for Bay Area residents. Costs to Central San to meet the 40% nitrogen reduction may range from $500-700 million. We are exploring innovative solutions to help us meet the new requirements, and reprioritizing other projects to control overall costs and minimize rate impacts to customers.
To ensure fair rates, Central San completed a Cost of Service Study to assess the costs of providing sewer service to all of our customer classes.
The Central San Board of Directors will hold a public hearing on the proposed rate increases at 2:30 p.m. on April 17, 2025. The notice of this hearing, below, was mailed to all property owners and customers within Central San’s service area.
For detailed information on the process for handling protests related to fee or charge increases, read Board Policy 011.