Board Policies
Board Policies
Listing of Board Approved Policies
1. BP 001 Employee Technology Purchase Assistance Program
3. BP 003 Hiring District Retirees
4. BP 004 Integrated Pest Management
5. BP 005 Statement of Investment
05a. Investment Policy Statement - OPEB
05b. Investment Policy Statement - 115 Pension Trust
7. BP 007 Board Member Teleconferencing
9. BP 009 Cell Phone Reimbursement
10. BP 010 Contractual Assessment Districts CAD
12. BP 012 Parliamentary Procedures
14. BP 014 District-Owned Mobile Computing Devices for Board Members
18. BP 018 Sick Leave for Temporary Employees
20. BP 020 Minute Style and Video Recording of Meetings
22. BP 022 Alhambra Valley Assessment District AVAD
23. BP 023 Board Ethics and Conduct
24. BP 024 Occupational Health and Safety
25. BP 025 Naming of District Facilities
26. BP 026 Legislative Advocacy
28. BP 028 Cost Sharing of Candidate Statements
29. BP 029 Debt Management and Continuing Disclosure
30. BP 030 Cost of Service Studies
31. BP 031 Use of Temporary Employees
32. BP 032 Reimbursement of Toastmaster Dues
33. BP 033 Conducting District Business using Personal Accts-Devices
34. BP 034 Ethics Hotline Reporting Protocol
36. Retired Policy, see BP 035
39. BP 039 Internal Audit Function
40. BP 040 Electronic Signatures and Approvals
42. BP 042 Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) Funding
43. BP 043 Buffer Property Management
44. BP 044 Board Leadership and Community Representation
45. BP 045 Board Comp, Benefits, and Expense Reimbursement
46. BP 046 Regulatory Accounting
47. BP 047 Deferred Compensation Plan
50. BP 050 CS Proclamations and Resolutions