Distance Learning
Distance Learning
Hands-On Wastewater Science From A Distance
In the days before the pandemic, we used to travel to K-12 classrooms in order teach students the hands on science and engineering of wastewater and wastewater treatment.
Nearly all of the supplies we use are solid wastes diverted from landfill, including donated biotech supplies and repurposed household materials. This design is on purpose. As an agency that sits on the receiving end of one kind of waste stream, we are sensitive to the realities that affect all waste streams.
This design has also proved very useful during the pandemic. It allows us to do some great hands-on science from a distance using common household items. This ensures that nearly everyone has the necessary materials available in order to participate.
To schedule a virtual lesson, please contact Ben Lavender at blavender@centralsan.org or (925)-335-7723.
Toilet and “Non-Toilet” Paper
A Virtual Hands-On Lesson
To schedule a virtual lesson, please contact Ben Lavender at blavender@centralsan.org or (925)-335-7723.
What Goes Down Our Kitchen Sink
A Virtual Hands-On Lesson
To schedule a virtual lesson, please contact Ben Lavender at blavender@centralsan.org or (925)-335-7723.
Water & Light
A Virtual Hands-On Lesson
To schedule a virtual lesson, please contact Ben Lavender at blavender@centralsan.org or (925)-335-7723.